Toddlers - Form 2
The Olive Kid is a social, futuristic need…………..why?
While on one hand, we have a post 'Z generation' of children that surpasses the earlier generations' level of intellect, on the other hand, there's our own insatiable desire, to provide for a young child below 7 years a setting which is natural, rooted in Indian tradition, non-threatening, harmonious and peaceful.
The Olive kids experience a nurturing "home-away-from-home" atmosphere utilizing the creative curriculum that draws its core academic strength from Mosaic Network, Inc (USA) understanding of the emotional, behavioral and cognitive aspects of development of kids age 18 months to 5+ years.
The Olive Kid curriculum is both authentic and expansive.
The OLIVE KID Starters (TOK S) – Children children under the age of 6 years spread into four grades – Toddlers, Preppers, Junior- Nursery and Senior Nursery.
The OLIVE KID Advanced (TOK A) – Forms I and II of age groups 6-8 years.
Use age-appropriate learning opportunities to develop their individual skills and age independent choices through learning workshops that include language and reading, construction, math, fine motor, art, dramatic play, science and sensory exploration, and outdoor play.
Make sense of the world by exploring a rich sensory environment filled with different sights, sounds, textures and sensations & discover and develop bodily powers with room to grow proportionate to their age.
Learn to communicate fully in a place filled with wonderful conversations – poetry, finger plays, singing, reading, storytelling and lots of smiles and hugs & strongly connect with others in a caring community that helps Olives form relationships to foster a sense of security & trust.
Establish a relaxed environment to accommodate the unique disposition of the respective age group while fostering self-confidence and creativity.

TOK S combines academic rigour with a nurturing, homelike and supportive environment.
TOK S teaches children life skills that go beyond reading, writing and numbers.
Singing songs instills an interest in the language art while forging social bonds.
At TOK S, fun and learning is always combined with culture education.
The O2 field trips to the countryside or to an old age home and celebration of important days instill the values that form the basis of their life-long learning.
TOK S provides a balance between formal and informally structured physical activities between group and individual pursuits and between teacher and child centered experiences.
Form I and II students spend most of their day with their homeroom teacher, who teaches core subjects and provides a learning environment suited to the needs of each student. At TOK, we believe the arts are fundamental to a great education. All students participate in the arts – visual arts, music, and performing arts – from Preppers to form II.
Our TOK A Course work encompasses English, mathematics, science, humanities and social studies, technology, the arts and physical education.
The whole approach in Forms I and II is to ensure that students’ personal interests are extensively explored.
Students in humanities and social studies courses build excellent reading and writing skills, global competency and a sense of social responsibility. They learn to read critically and express their views thoughtfully.
The science at TOK A coexists with a mathematics program that is far from formulaic. Students are guided to apply their learning to real-world phenomena.
All the Form I and II students participate in physical education and athletics, developing self-discipline, teamwork and leadership skills in the process.

From TOK on, our students think of themselves as members of communities – in and out of the classroom. Classrooms are intimate peer-learning communities. Instruction emphasizes shared values:
Respect for others;
Working together to solve problems.
Social responsibility and global citizenship are emphasized throughout our curriculum and in co-curricular activities. Students come to recognize that they belong to local, regional, national and international communities.