An initiative of the Nirmal Hriday Educational Society, a group of visionary educationists with a cumulative experience of 91 years, the Olive Schools have been set up to prepare 21st century students into successful citizens of the world.
It all started with the realisation that the curious and creative young minds of the school going children may not be limited by the rigours of rote learning, which they are mostly subjected to by many of our institutions. The management took the first progressive step by setting up The Olive Kid, a pre-school and a day care, with a difference. Care is taken that the unique creativity of every child is not curbed by templatized methods of teaching, rather knowledge sharing is promoted.
Having seen phenomenal results with this approach, the management decided to carry forward this ideology across the school span of students – and the Olive school was born.
We respect the individual needs of all our students and believe that with the right guidance and direction, they can all succeed. Our educational approach empowers our students to question conventional thinking and to pursue their academic understanding with dedication and originality.
The Olive School is founded on three core pillars:
Lifelong learning so that the whole curriculum and pedagogy of teaching be based on the application of learning to the real life.
Inclusive education so that no child is left behind.
Every child is unique so that different aptitudes and attitudes be individually contextualized for every child.
True to the symbolism attached to the word ‘Olive’, the management wishes to touch every Olive child with wisdom, hope, harmony, prosperity and victory.
The Olive School provides students with an excellent, academically challenging education in a diverse and supportive community committed to a common set of values. Students are expected to participate in an integrated program of academic, artistic and sport activities in preparation for lifelong learning, community service and their lives as responsible world citizens.
The Olive mission is to foster in its students both the ability and the desire to make a positive difference in the world.
Shelly Bakshi

"An educational system isn't worth a great deal if it teaches young people how to make a living but doesn't teach them how to make a life."
We, at The Olive School, welcome your child with open arms to mark the beginning of a bright tomorrow. The school has always endeavored for wholesome development of the children, and in its move to develop social values and a well rounded personality, it provides a conducive environment that has been carefully created keeping the needs of the child in mind. At The Olive School, we believe in imparting education by thinking beyond textbooks and yet ensure the all-round development of young learners.
TOS provides a perfect blend of traditional & modern values through holistic integration of activities that lead to the development of social values & personality where the child is able to compete with his/her counterparts from anywhere around the globe. To reach the pinnacle of perfection, the school emphasizes on instilling discipline and right values, which can be further augmented with parents' cooperation and understanding.
We wish for a long and fruitful association with you and your child.
We care for and respect each other and ourselves. An openness to that which is different, a commitment to pluralism and a strong sense of justice are important to our sense of community.
Curiosity, discovery, a sense of awe, creativity and a passion for knowing are all central to our mission at Olive. Scholarship, academic excellence, superior teaching and a climate of active intellectualism mark our work.
The Olive School believes that a diverse society enriches all individuals and communities. Diversity of race, ethnicity, national origin, geography, religion, gender, affection, orientation, age, physical ability, and marital, parental or economic status forms the fabric of our society. As a result of these beliefs, The Olive School actively seeks students, families and employees who value and contribute to the fullness of a diverse community within the context of its mission. In doing so, we recognize our responsibility to help make each person's experience a success.
Honest, moral, considerate and fair behavior is expected of all members of the Olive community.
The Olive School provides students with an excellent, academically challenging education in a diverse and supportive community committed to a common set of values. Students are expected to participate in an integrated program of academic, artistic and athletic activities in preparation for college, lifelong learning, community service and their lives as responsible world citizens.
The Olive mission is to foster in its students both the ability and the desire to make a positive difference in the world.